Okay, just so you know, I found my Mojo, or it found me. I was starting to think I had depression or something the way I was so unmotivated. Guess my body was just saying, you need some rest and when I am ready I will tell your brain and then you can jump up and begin doing things. Yep, that's exactly what happened. I was moping around in the morning and all of a sudden I just jumped up and started cleaning the kitchen, then hit the bedroom and put away all the suitcase goodies, then after supper I hit the craft room and mojo kicked in to stamp out nine cards in a couple of hours and then I designed a sticker card quickly this afternoon. Got five cards ready for the mail tomorrow too. I love MOJO!!

While I was in cleaning mode, I once again noticed the scraps sitting on the corner of the table waiting to be turned into something so here's a picture of the inspiration and also my finished products. I only have one piece still sitting there waiting to be used. That blue and white China vase has to be made into something and those other pieces of embellishments are going in the give away box for some kid to enjoy. Can you see what cards I came up with with each of the scraps? I love those kinds of challenges. Happy Creating!!!
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