The Natural Health Expo has grown tremendously over the last few years. It's amazing the amount of people that attend and the vast array of products that are being marketed. One thing I know, just because it's sold as a health food doesn't necessarily mean it's healthy for you. I'm a label reader and I encourage you all to be one also and even then our food supply in the U.S. is based on economics and there are a vast amont of food suppliers trying to deceive the public and make you purchase their product which they are marketing to make YOU think it is healthy. Let the buyer beware. Join me this Monday evening on a conference call where I'll be presenting some of these deceptions and what to look for. E-mail me and I will give you the number and time or ask me for the recording if you are reading this after March 21st. Look at ALL the people.
Send me the info Janeen, I'll try to be present! I'm envious of people who really care about do the healthy stuff - I just don't seem to care enough or something?